
Step 1: Read the Docs and use PostMan to understand the REST API

This is the 1st chapter in a multi-part series called “How to write a Python3 SDK library module for a JSON REST API in 15 simple steps

Before going into battle, it’s important to do some reconnaissance. With any REST API, it’s important to get a feel for how the REST API behaves. Some REST APIs are written by professionals and are very easy to work with. And well, others are written by amateurs and are down-right terrible and inconsistent. Understanding how the API behaves before writing any code is the foundation for whether your wrapper library will be any good or not.

In this chapter, we’re going to cover:

  • Installing Postman
  • How we decided on an API
  • Understanding the Documentation
  • Authentication (Credentials, Tokens, Cookies, etc.)
  • API versions
  • Paths and Endpoints
  • Data returned (JSON)